"War With The Newts" cast wanted!

 "War With The Newts" Reading Coming Soon!

The Place is changed. NB1 is decided. Not CS1.

 Please get in touch with us before participating.

email: engekikikaku.aru@gmail.com

"War With The Newts" has so many characters.

For examples: 

an international trader predicting the Great Depression 

a rough captain loving newts 

the president of an industrial conglomerate utilising crazy ideas 

a worldly, jolly sailor 

a too-serious sailor 

a newt singing ‘Humpty Dumpty’ 

an actress like Mae West fighting the Hays Cord.

an ex-London Zoo director setting up a consultancy company 

a professor like an ostrich 

a communist always seducing women

a daughter who becomes a trade union leader to avenge her dead father

a utilitarian painter

an idealistic jazz singer

a daughter who still skims her parent’s money at the age of 30

a British aristocrat concocting weird excuses  

a prideful British prime minister

a jealous French representative

a weepy Italian representative

a clingy Belgian representative

an arrogant Japanese representative

a nonchalant American representative

two cross-dressed lawyers teasing human representatives.

etc, etc. 

More than 100 characters.

Thank you for participating in the R&D project on 27 January. Thanks to your performances and feedback, this work is getting deeper and more attractive.


'War With The Newts', performed in Tokyo in 2018, has been substantially rewritten for 2024. The synopsis is the same as the original. It is a satirical play that comically implies the current world situation and the human society regarding colonialism, imperialism and capitalism. There are over 120 characters. Let's run through the humankind history.


Look! This is the Czech Embassy hall. It is an ordinary public hall. Just a black box with a wooden stage. And dark blue curtains. That's good. The story unfolds across Europe, Asia, America and the African continent. It runs for about half a century.

Look forward to seeing how this monotone theatre will change.


This is a project for Kazue Horimasu's MFA Dissertation: a historical play of about two hours. The project is being deepened with the help of East 15 Acting School by organising various workshops such as script critique sessions, scene studies, etc. The play is performed at the Czech Embassy in September 2024. The support of the Czech Embassy and East 15 Acting School is gratefully acknowledged. 

If you are interested in performing or taking part in a workshop, please contact us. You will be informed of the script and project details (including financial conditions).


演劇企画「ある」代表 堀益和枝/ theatre project ARU, Director: HORIMASU, Kazue 

連絡先/Contact Address: engekikikaku.aru@gmail.com  

上記のアドレスの全角@を半角@にしてお使いください。/Please change the double-byte@to half-width@in the above address.

Phone 88+(0)50−3575−3415(IP phone, for  residents in Japan)